Non-lodgement of an annual tax return is child support and tax evasion.

435,425 customers with an outstanding tax return

The Child Supporty Inquiry (2014) stated that there were 435,425 customers with an outstanding tax return.  Not having a current and ‘actual’ income assessment erodes the integrity of the Child Support Scheme whilst the decision not to lodge an annual tax return is to avoid and or minimise child support.

We invite families affected by the practice of not lodging a tax return to upload their experience.  The purpose is to put a spotlight on this practice, to raise community awareness, and to be part of a national effort that is seeking change.

4 thoughts on “Non-lodgement of an annual tax return is child support and tax evasion.

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  1. My ex puts in his income estimates as nil as he runs his own business. He uses the business to reduce his income. This practice needs to be stopped. Child support needs to have forensic accountants and refer people the ATO to investigate their company / business. People that’s don’t pay there child support payments need to have it recorded as a bad debt and it should show on their credit ratings.


  2. My ex hasn’t lodged a tax return for the past 2 years and financially abuses me and our children. In the years prior he would work half of the year under an ABN and half of the year on wages and lodge his taxes based on the wage income only, so I have never received the correct amount. I have spoken with the Child Support Agency who have said there is nothing they can do.


  3. The ATO doesn’t seem too concerned with non lodgement of tax returns, I mean, why would they? The money remains in their coffers this way. In my case, they chased up the ex because of an error which showed 2 years of earnings as 1yrs worth, after 5 years of no lodgement, so the ATO thought that it was THEY who were owed monies. Once he lodged his returns, they were not concerned as to whether I was paid the child support or not, but worked on the assumption that I was, hence my FTB payments were suspended to pay off the debt I incurred due to his avoidance. I was quite upset as it was assumed that I had received money from him, and it didn’t matter if I actually had or not, so I decided to put it in the hands of the CSA to monitor him better, with the hope of not finding myself in the same situation again. As I had received no child support for over a year, the CSA backdated my claim for 3 months, this came straight out of his tax return before he received the balance. I was so relieved because now I could utilise these funds during my FTB suspension. I was mistaken. Had I been paid this money on a regular basis, it would not have affected my FTB because it was not a large enough amount on a weekly or fortnightly basis, but because it had been paid in one lump sum, half of that sum was to be repaid to Centrelink as it was over the fortnightly additional income limit. Either way you look at it, the receiving parent is penalised when the payee avoids lodgement of tax returns.and doesn’t make regular payments. The system needs a big overhaul and the person who avoids their responsibility should be the one held accountable for the debts incurred on behalf of their child/ren.


  4. The father of the children has made 2 child support payments in 10 years. Those payments of a couple of hundred dollars dropped my Centrelink payments by alot as it was calculated that I would get that much (towards his debt) every month. This put my struggle street into overdrive. As he was self employed, he claimed to earn 11k a year – and child support and the ATO never investigated why his income went from 180k to 11k in the week he left. His “obligation” went from $280 a week for 3 babies, to $9 a week. I did a Section 8 application, and his obligation went to $100 a week (an hours wages for a tradesman) He still never paid. Eventually, I was forced to put an exemption on, and get zero “obligation” as I was being treated by Centrelink like he was paying, and yet CSA said they couldn’t collect as he held all his money in the business – we couldn’t afford to live. He also repeatedly threatened us over the $9 a week (that he never paid anyway). This year, ten years later, I got notification that he finally lodged the last ten years of tax returns. The “other mother” after me who was receiving child support from him all along, was backpaid $3500 EXTRA for one year of his non lodged tax alone… I didn’t get told the other amounts. For one child, she had received nearly $10,000 a year every year we received nothing, plus whatever she received when he finally lodged and his income was way higher than he had told child support. That same first year he had this next child he paid 10k annually for, he was obliged to pay $386 annually for his 3 original children. The injustices my children have suffered, the STRESS I have suffered raising 3 children financially on my own – DESPICABLE!!!! He ruined my life without it causing himself a single bother, or spending a cent. He didn’t have to maintain the children’s standard of living – he just dumped us in poverty and went and had a rich fulfilling life!


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